Sunday, June 29, 2008

Tower Hill Way

I finally put some pictures on here, sorry I've been such a slacker.... We can't tell you how much we love our new place! It is very exciting and we are as happy as can be! We feel very blessed to have such a beautiful place! I didn't take pictures of our unfinished basement, but we all know what an unfinished basement looks like, right!? :) You'll have to excuse the empty walls, we are not finished decorating yet. Also the messy room with the air mattress in it is going to be the office when we get around to buying a desk! Right now it just has an air mattress in it for recent guests we had. It is kind of serviving as a junk room at the moment with all kinds of things we haven't put away yet. It has a big walk-in closet full of junk so i didn't take pictures of it. We also have a nice and big walk-in closet too, but i chose not to take it's picture. :) We have lots of stairs, but I didn't post pictures of them...but they are here -- trust me, my legs were sore for 3 days trying to get used to all of them! ;)

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Albrecht Clan

Here is the Albrecht clan. :) My mother in law asked me over a year ago to take all the grandkids pictures...I've finally finished! Aren't they such cute kids?! :)

Monday, June 23, 2008

Childs Family Tradition...

Hey everyone I'd like to introduce you to a long-running Childs Family tradition: FLOATING BOATS! :) It's not officially summer until we've floated boats! Josh thought it sounded so dumb, but really ended up having a good time. My sister, Cindy was in town all week last week so Josh and I decided to take work off on Friday. It was so nice to have a day off! Cindy, Josh, Austin, Rachel, Makenna, Ellie and Kate, and I picked up lunch at Josh's and my favorite sandwich place, Jimmy Johns, and headed up the canyon. It was a fun day full of floating boats, finding bugs and even a little hiking. Cindy is pregnant and due in two months so we did just a little bit of hiking. :) To float boats, you buy cheap boats, NEVER TAKE ONES YOU LIKE, since sometimes they don't come home. So buy cheap boats and some string, find a river and a bridge and that's all you need. It’s really fun for the kids to hold the string and watch their boats. Kids and adults of all ages enjoy this outing! :)